2447 Wilson Road
P.O. Box 734
Newberry, SC 29108
803-276-1884 or
For electrical site lighting and recreational lighting and leasing contact Sabin West
West Electrical – SPORTS LIGHTING
For over 20 years West Electrical Contractors has been a leader in Sports Lighting in South Carolina. From Little League to High School Football to College Baseball we have designed, installed and serviced the smallest to the largest fields.
West Electrical has worked to provide service and quality lighting for servicing school districts, colleges, city / county recreation departments and private athletic enthusiasts.
With an electrical P.E. and design team as well as a highly trained crew, we can install a custom light package to meet all the demands of athletic programs.
West Electrical Contractors has a fleet of equipment just for the professional installation of sports and area lighting.
Need QUICK Service for a game – Call West Electrical –
We maintain the largest electrical material warehouse in the mid-state in order to offer 24 hour per day, 7 day per week service. With our equipment and materials in reach, we can help you with a minutes notice.
Can’t afford field, gym or parking lot lights – Check out our West Lease Lighting Page! We’ll buy it and install it for you now!